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Nokia Speed Trap Detector Urban Legend spread by Nokia Engineers

The settings for radar speed traps detector. Your Nokia cell phone can be
programmed to pick up radar speed traps, when programmed your cell
phone picks up the radar and alerts you on the message alert tone. (
Doesn't work with Nokia 7110! )

1. Enter your menu
2. Select settings
3. Select security settings
4. Select closed user group
5. Select on
6. Enter 00000
7. Press ok
8. Clear back to normal, within a few seconds your phone will display a
radar sign with five zero's next to it. It is now activated.

Unfortunately only Nokia phones have this function. The Cell Phone info
display needs to be de-activated. Settings -> Phone Settings -> Cell Info
display. Each time you turn off your phone, or even each time you loose
contact with your carrier, you'll have to activate it again... It is done using
steps 1 through 5 above, but the number (00000) will be already on the
field as a default.